people complain of pages taking forever to load, or important files too
long to download? These types of problems affect your web-traffic and visitor
opinions, and do not exist on our server. |
people complain of pages taking forever to load, or important files too
long to download? These types of problems affect your web-traffic and visitor
opinions, and do not exist on our server. Our server is up 99% of the time,
leaving that extra percent for unfortunate phenomenon and server updates.We
are running a Pentium4, 2.4 ghz processor, 80gb harddrive and 512mb RAM.
With our extremely low prices and extremely high quality web-hosting...it
would be hard to beleive that anyone would complain about your hosting.
people complain of pages taking forever to load, or important files too
long to download? These types of problems affect your web-traffic and visitor
opinions, and do not exist on our server. |